NOMBRES - Curiosités, théorie et usages


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0,5 & 1,5









Nombre 0,5

Langue 0,5

Expression 0,5

Nombre 1,5



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>>> Le coin anglais





Nombre 1,5 – Culture


1,5 = 3/2

ou x + ½









SESQUI du latin:sesqui: un demi en plus,

de semi moitié et q­ue en plus.

sesqualter numerus: nombre qui en contient une autre fois et demie.

sesquidigitalis: d'un doigt et demi.

sequimensis: un mois et demi.

SESTERTIUS qui contient deux et demi.

La monnaie sesterce valait 2 ½ as.

Viendrait de sesqui et tertius, sans saisir vraiment la relation entre 1,5 et 1/3.


Voir suite en Latin




*     sesquialtère     ( 1 ½ )  Voir Hémiole (Musique)

*     sesquidouble  ( 2 ½ )

*     sequipedal       (1 ½ pied)

*     sesqui-linéaire (forme mathématique)

*     sesquioxyde (oxyde métallique composé de deux atomes métalliques pour trois atomes d'oxygène. Comme le Cl2O3, sesquioxyde de chrome)

*     sesquiterpène  (hydrocarbure en C15H24 )

*     sesquicentenaire, sesquicentiennal  (anniversaire de 150 ans)


En rose, les termes mathématiques

Voir Les fractions en sesqui en latin



*        hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian: a very, very long word.

*        sesquialteral: once and a half times as great as another.

*        sesquicentennial, sesquicentenary: a period of 150 years or occurring every 150 years.

*        sesquicentennial: anniversaire des 150 ans.

*        sesquiduplicate: having the ratio of two and a half to one, or of five to two.

*        sesquihora: in medicine, every one and a half hours.

*        sesquilinear.

*        sesquinona, sesquinonal: in music, a vibration interval of the ratio 10:9; a lesser major second.

*        sesquioctava, sesquioctaval: in the ration of nine to eight.

*        sesquioxide.

*        sesquipedal: a thing a foot and a half in length.

*        sesquipedalia: a reference to a foot and half in length or to very long words.

*        sesquipedalian:.a word with many letters or syllables.

*        sesquipedalianism.

*        sesquipedalianism, sesquipedalism: characterized by the use of long words.

*        sesquipedalianist: a person who uses long words.

*        sesquipedality: the practice of using long words.

*        sesquipedalophobia: a hatred or fear of big words.

*        sesquimellesimus: 1500th

*        sesquioctavus: containing nine eighths.

*        sesquiplane: a fixed-wing aircraft (biplane) with one pair of wings much longer than the other pai.r

*        sesquiplicate: having the ratio of the square roots of the cubes of the terms of a given ratio; noting the ratio of a cube to a square.

*        sesquiquadrate: aspect of two heavenly bodies when separated by one and a half quadrants (135 degrees).

*        sesquiquarta: in music, a major third.

*        sesquiquinta, sesquiquintal: in music, a minor third.

*        sesquiquintile: in astrology, having a zodiacal distance of about 108 degrees.

*        sesquiseptimal: of the ratio of 8 to 7, or 1 1/7 to 1.

*        sesquisextal: of the ratio of 7 to 6, or 1 1/6 to 1.

*        sesquitertia, sesquitertial: one and a third; in music, a perfect fourth.

*        sesquitertian: of the ratio of 4 to 3.


Suite en Préfixes nombres et anglais




*       Voir en-tête

*       Fraction 3/2 et nombre d'or


*       LanguesIndex

*       DicoMot Math – Vocabulaire des maths

*       DicoCulture – Découvertes au fil de l'eau …


*       Semi (webster english)

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